December 10, 2015

Cajon del Maipo, Chile (December, 2015)

While grandma Toni and grandpa Scott were visiting Chile, we decided to take a day trip out to the Maipo Canyon (Cajon del Maipo), which is about an hour outside of Santiago, Chile. We booked an all day guided tour packed with a number of things to do, and we made a full day out of it. We were driven up the canyon to a mountain lake and given kayaks to paddle around. We went for a short walk around the lake while the guides cooked us a traditional Chilean BBQ over the fire and had a great meal for lunch. Then, we headed further up the canyon to some natural hot springs. We saw some condors flying almost at eye level on the way back down the canyon...beautiful animals. At the bottom of the canyon, we went horseback riding to the top of a nearby hill and back down. Each one of the kids (except Zander) was able to have their own horse. It was a beautiful day and it was fun to be able to spend it with grandma and grandpa.

 Walking around in Maipo Canyon.

 Views driving up Maipo Canyon.

 Grandma Toni and Grandpa Scott kayaking with Ryder.

 Eliza and Cody, kayaking with Zander.

 The kids on a giant rock in Maipo Canyon.

 Natural hot springs.

 Nash, soaking in the hot water.

 Sawyer, with grandma in the hot springs.

 Cool looking cliffs up the Maipo Canyon.

 Grandma Toni and Nash, on horseback, getting ready to ride.

 Eliza, with Sawyer, riding horses up the mountain.

 Sawyer, loving the horseback riding.

 Our group, going up the mountain.

Sawyer, with her horse.

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