October 31, 2015

Halloween in Santiago, Chile (October, 2015)

Our family was excited for the new Star Wars movie to hit theaters, so excited, in fact, that we decided to dress up as Star Wars characters together for Halloween in Chile. Cody was Jabba the Hut, Eliza was Padme, Sawyer was Princess Leia, Ryder was Darth Vader, Nash was Luke Skywalker, and Zander was Yoda.

We went to a costume event at the kids' school earlier in the day and were definitely the most coordinated and decked out family when it came to costumes. Later that night, we went trick-or-treating with our friends, the Raleighs.

Cody, getting ready to go out as Jabba the Hut.

Family picture before trick-or-treating.

Padme and Princess Leia...

The kids, in full Star Wars character.

Zander - Yoda.

Nash - Luke Skywalker.

Ryder - Darth Vader.

Sawyer - Princess Leia.

Cody - Jabba the Hut.

Eliza - Padme.

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