January 29, 2015

Black Water Rafting, Waitomo, North Island, New Zealand (January, 2015)

After leaving Taupo and Huka Falls, we drove south to Waitomo and decided to do Black Water tubing and caving in the Waitomo Glowworm caves.  We hired 2 of the young single adult women in Kip and Emily's ward to come to the caravan park to watch the 9 kids.  We also bought them all passes to take the kids to the glow worm caves for the more mild tour.  Our caving adventure was one of the highlights of the trip.  We repelled down ~100 feet through a small opening into the cave, took a pitch black zipline further into the cave, jumped off some small cliffs, took inner tubes down a river system inside the cave and enjoyed seeing thousands of glow worms lighting up the cave, crawled back into a labyrinth of caves and found a black eel that was obsessed with our head lamps, climbed up waterfalls, slid down rocks, and had a wonderful time together.

Playing with flashlights and camera shutter speeds in the darkness of the cave.

Silk hanging from the roof of the cave from the glow worms.

Climbing out of the cave up a waterfall.

Our group before going down into the cave.

Eliza, getting ready to rappel down over 100 feet through the small hole entering the cave.

Cody, repelling down into the cave.

Cody, climbing through the small spaces in the cave.

The group, stopping for some food and hot drinks.

Eliza, climbing through one of the tight spots in the cave.

Eliza, climbing up the waterfall to get out of the cave.

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