May 18, 2014

Ryder's Baptism (May, 2014)

Ryder's been so excited to get baptized.  He's been reminding us for weeks that it's only so many more days until he gets baptized.  He is very prepared.  Of his own initiative, and without any real push from us, he has taken it upon himself to start reading the Book of Mormon.  We tell scripture stories with the kids every night and they know the stories very well, but we really haven't done a good job of reading directly from the scriptures with our kids.  Ryder has been amazing this year.  He has made it halfway through Mosiah (we let him skip the Isaiah chapters in 2nd Nephi) and he tells us about the little subtleties that he picks up related to many of the stories that he already knows.  He is a very special boy and in many ways a leader and example for our family.  He is full of light, passion, and happiness.  He has a lot of resolve and dedication and loves new challenges.  We are blessed to have a front row seat to the growth and development of this strong, righteous, son of God.  We are lucky to have him in our family.  One of the things he wanted to do was invite everyone in his class, including his teachers, to attend his baptism.  His testimony is strong and he is fearless when it comes to missionary work and speaking about the truth.  We hope this amazing quality never wears off.

Ryder's baptism invitation.

His baptism was a very special event.  He was beaming the whole time.  He personally handed out invitations before church to members of the ward and was so excited to do so.  Sawyer gave a talk on baptism and prepared most of it herself.  She did an amazing job.  After Ryder was baptized, he told Cody that he felt really good inside and knew Heavenly Father was proud of him.  Ryder and his friends (Kemp, Bollard, and Glossop kids) sang the Armies of Helaman and Eliza gave a talk on the gift of the Holy Ghost where she used a wind up flashlight as an object lesson to illustrate how the gift of the Holy Ghost works in our life.  Eliza made a bunch of food and desserts for everyone to have after the baptism.

Family picture before the baptism.

 Nash was so excited for Ryder.

 Sawyer was such a good big sister and gave a wonderful talk.

 Mommy with Ryder.

Daddy with Ryder.

Ryder with mom and dad.

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