May 24, 2008

Disneyland, Anaheim, CA (May 24, 2008)

We decided that since we were so close, we'd hop in the car and drive up to Anaheim and hit up Disneyland. The weather was nice and the crowds weren't too bad considering it was a Saturday. We showed up at 7:45 am before the park opened, so we got to ride about 12 rides within the first hour. Although the kids probably could have made it until midnight, Eliza and Cody were exhausted by 7:00 pm and we left to go back to the hotel and get off our feet. Some pictures of our Disneyland experience follow:

The kids loved Toontown and the Roger Rabbit ride.

Riding the Astro Orbiter with Daddy.

Petting the sheep and goats.

Waiting in line to ride Buzz Lightyear's Ride. This was by far the kids' favorite ride. They got to shoot laser guns at all the aliens. We had to pry the gun from Ryder's hands and we practically had to use a crowbar to get him to let go of the ride. After the ride, we let the kids pick out a toy and Ryder, without hesitation, went straight for the Buzz Lightyear gun.

Eliza and the kids with Ariel.

The happiest place on Earth.

Posing in front of the Dumbo hedges.

The kids with Belle.

The kids with Jasmine.

The kids with Mulan.


Bryan & Sarah said...

Damn that little Ryder is a "CODY CLONE" lol


Bryan and Marissa said...

Looks like you guys had a fun trip!

RasmussenFamily said...

my kids love looking at all your character pix. They want to go to disneyland everytime they look.. We had fun w/ you guys the other day. We are glad you made it to Utah.

Val said...

Cody, just found your blog. It's cool to see you guys are doing so good, and that I'm not the only one still trying to finish school!
-Austen and Val Broadbent